ELITE Galopp in Kentucky ELITE Colour Appearance ELITE Mozg Lovak Klleme ELITE Tail & Mane Appearance ELITE Tail & Mane Appearance ELITE Colours Appearance ELITE The Galopp's Night ELITE Invencible y Hermoso Tiszteletverseny ELITE Eight Belles & Ruffian - Rest In peace ELITE II. Run to Dawn Appearance | Angol telivr GOOD Galopp With Mickey&Minnie I Galopp, hossztv Mickey-vel GOOD I. Group Cheval | Galopp, 1750 m GOOD II. Special Thoroughbred Appearance I Sarasan egy verseny utn GOOD Legend's Race | galopp, EXCELLLENT II. Cheval Derby | galopp, hossztv 1. hely >>+ELITE+ELITE horse in Bel Cavallo Appearance 1.helyezetteknek:+ELITE +ELITE horse in 7 month appearance 1.helyezetteknek:+ELITE +ELITE horse in 7 month appearance 1.helyezetteknek:+ELITE+ELITEl a Garfield/kllem,djugrats,djlovagls,western,galopp,egyb/versenyen. 1.helyezetteknek:+ELITE+ELITEl a Garfield/kllem,djugrats,djlovagls,western,galopp,egyb/ versenyen.negyedik/tdik hely [csak galopp]+ 4th | 5th Placed of 'Game, Set, Match' Cup 2.hely:-BEST- 2nd Placed Horse in III. Step by Step Galopp- Best Galopp Horse in III. Step by Step Galopp 2.: BEST2nd of Opening Appearance - ELITE- LIFE-STYLE CHAMPION- 1st Placed Horse in Competition Around The World- Elite horse in Rome/Paris/Dublin/London/Brussels/Amsterdam Category 1 hely:ELITE in Okinawa *sznkategris kllemverseny* ELITE in Okinawa 1 hely:ELITE in Okinawa Galopp with Plan ELITE in Okinawa +ELITE+1. helyezst rt el a Sznkategris kllemversenyen. 3.hely:3rd placed of Nation's Cup3.hely:3rd placed of Nation's Cup Moonlight Winner (MW), Best in Show (BIS) 1. helyELITE1st Placed of Balaton AppearanceBest Horse in EILK 3. helyezetteknek NICENice Thoroughbred in Gallop/Appearance Category3rd placed on Fight of Thoroughbreds 3. helyezetteknek NICE Nice Thoroughbred in Gallop/Appearance Category 3rd placed on Fight of Thoroughbreds 3. hely NICE3rd Placed of Muffin or IceCream AppearanceGood Horse in Muffin or IceCream Appearance ELITE + No. 1 Bay/Chestnut Horse +ELITE+Legszebb l a mnek versenyn4.hely:- NICE- 4th Placed Horse in Swedish Appearance- Nice Horse in Swedish Appearance 1.hely- ELITE- LIFE-STYLE CHAMPION- 1st Placed Horse in Swedish Appearance- Elite Horse in Swedish Appearance 2.helyezetteknek"Cheval rapide 1.helyezetteknek"Magnifique à ct de cela beau cheval "2.: BEST2nd of Watery Horses Appearance 1. hely ELITE Beautiful Horse in I. Explosive Impetus Appearance 1st Placed of I. Explosive Impetus Appearance 2. helyezettek + GOOD+ GOOD {Dressage,Free Jumper, Show Jumper, Reining, Gallopp, Apperance, vlaszd ki!} Horse in Valley of Champions 3. hely + FINE show jumper / galopp horse + Rhinannon's FINE Competito Abszolt nyerteseknek: Absolute winner in Spirit Ranch Opening Cup 1. helyezs: ELITE Elite horse in Spirit Ranch Opening Cup 1. helyezs: ELITE Elite horse in Spirit Ranch Opening Cup,1.: BEST 1st of II. Paralia Derby ,1.: ELITE PARALIA CHAMPION Absolute Winner of II. Paralia Derby.First Horse in the Dean's Galopp Cup cm.Cute Horse in the Horseblanket Appearance cm.Best Horse.ELITE Randwick Derby
Neve:Animal Kingdom
Kora:4 v
Alkalmassg:Kllem,Galopp (rvidtv)

1 hely:Galopp in Kentucky
1 hely:Colour Appearance
1 hely:Mozg Lovak Klleme
1 hely:Tail & Mane Appearance
1 hely:Tail & Mane Appearance
1 hely:Colours Appearance
1 hely:The Galopp's Night
1 hely:Invencible y Hermoso Tiszteletverseny
1 hely:Eight Belles & Ruffian - Rest In peace
1 hely:II. Run to Dawn Appearance
1 hely:Bell Cavallo Appearance
1 hely:7 month Appearance
1 hely:7 month Appearance
1 hely:Garfield Appearance
1 hely:Garfield Appearance
1 hely:Around The World Cup
1 hely:Galopp with Plan
1 hely:Sznketgris kllem in okinawa
1 hely:Sznkategris kllemverseny in Green Valley Stable
1 hely:Reopen Cup
1 hely:Balaton Appearance
1 hely:Chesnut and Bay Appearance
1 hely:GV Stallions Appearance
1 hely:Swedish Appearance
1 hely:Cheval De Course Grass Appearance
1 hely:Exsplosive Impetus Appearance
1 hely:Spirit Ranc Op. *abszolut
1 hely:Spirit Ranc Op. galopp
1 hely:Spirit Ranc Op. kllem
1 hely:Paralia Derby
1 hely:Paralia Derby sszestett
1 hely: Dean's galopp cup, hossztv
1 hely:Horseblanket appearance, mnek
1 hely:Fajtakategris kllem, angol fajtk
2 hely:Galopp With Mickey&Minnie I Galopp, hossztv Mickey-vel
2 hely:I. Group Cheval
2 hely:II. Special Thoroughbred Appearance I Sarasan egy verseny utn
2 hely:Opening Appearance
2 hely:Cheval De Course galopp
2 hely:Vochampions Op.
3 hely:Legend's Race
3 hely:II. Cheval Derby
3 hely:Stepp By Stepp Galopp
3 hely:Nation's Cup
3 hely:Nation's Cup
3 hely:Fight of Thoroughbreds Galopp
3 hely:Fight of Thoroughbreds kllem
3 hely:Muffin or Icecream appearance
3 hely:Rhianonn Copmetition
3 hely:Randwick Derby
Egyb Hely:
4.hely: Game Set Cup
4 hely: Swedish Appearance
