2. EXCELLENT, Excellent Galopp Horse,Abszolt gyztesek:Absolute, Champion, SA Champion, Only Casualty, II. hely: Good Appearance Horse, 1 hely:-ELITE First place in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition(kategria)1 hely:-ELITE First place in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition(kategria) 3. hely: GOOD horse of the Season Opener Gallop on Silverglade PS FAVORITE- My Favorite Horse del Iron- Favoritest horse in Iron Appearance Abszolt:Absolute winner in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition(kategria) Szemlyes kedvenc-Favorite horse in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition(kategria) 1. hely: ELITEEllite foal in Hello June Appearance 3. hely: Good Appearance Horse, Pata.csata III. hely, 8. helyezettek:- RSM Appearance Good1.HELYEZETTEKNEK BEST Best Summer Galopp Horse in Cheval1 hely:-ELITE First place in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition II.(kategria)1 hely:-ELITE First place in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition II.(kategria)1. helyezettek: Elite, SA Winner, Best,SA Racer, Nice 1.helyezetteknek:BEST1.helyezetett a Broadmoor Equstrian CenterbenAbszolt:Absolute winner in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition II.(kategria)Szemlyes kedvenc-Favorite horse in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition II.(kategria)2.hely:Good,Good horse in Stallions Galopp Race2nd in Stallions Galopp Race1. Helyezetteknek:- ELITE, BEST- Elite horse del Iron- 1st horse in Iron Appearance
Neve: Look at Over
Neme: Mn
Szrmazsi helye: USA
Szne: sttpej
Erdemnyei sszesen:21 db
Tulajdonomba kerlse ta: 21 db
1. hely:
1 helyezett: THE CASUALITES l santa-anita.gp l *abszolut
1 helyezett: THOROUGHBRED COMPETITION (galopp) l ???.gp l
1 helyezett: THOROUGHBRED COMPETITION (kllem) l ???.gp l
1 helyezett: IRON APPEARANCE l ironheart.gp l
1 helyezett: THOROUGHBRED COMPETITION l ???.gp l
1 helyezett: THOROUGHBRED COMPETITION l ???.gp l
1 helyezett: GUMBALL APPERANCE l bradmoor.gp l
1 helyezett: THOROUGHBRED COMPETITION LL(kllem). l ???.gp l
1 helyezett: THOROUGHBRED COMPETITION LL.(galopp) l ???.gp l
1 helyezett: HELLO JUNE APPEARANCE. l belcavallo.gp l
1 helyezett: THOROUGHBRED COMPETITION LL. l ???.gp l
1 helyezett: THOROUGHBRED COMPETITION LL. l ???.gp l
1 helyezett: SUMMER GALOPP HORSE. l chevaldecourse.gp l
2. hely:
2 helyezett: RANDWICK DERBY l dvaynes.gp l
2 helyezett: STALLIONS GALLOP RACE l churchildownsraces.gp l
2 helyezett: APPERANCE l ???.gp l
3. hely:
3 helyezett: SEASONS OPENER GALOPP l silverglade.gp l
3 helyezett: SUMMER APPEARANCE l pata.csata.gp l
Egyb helyek:
5 helyezett: THE CASUALITES l santa-anita.gp l
8 helyezett: PIGGIE APPEARANCE l redskyatmorning.gp l
Egyb: IRON APPERANCE l ironheart.gp l *szemlyes kedvenc
Fedez: igen / nem
Tenysztsi jog:
