Szemlyes kedvenc: *alhzva Cassie's favourite Msodik hely: Excellent 2nd Horse of the Two Hours Galopp3. helyezettek:- RSM galopp Good 1.hely: Best,The Best horse in Breeder's Cup 1st in Breeder's Cup 3.hely: Nice,Nice horse in Breeder's Cup 3rd in Stallions Breeder's Cup 1. helyezett: canterbury park galopp 1.ELITE, Best Galopp Horse in Dvaynes, Abszolt gyzteseknek( viszik az els hely nyeremnyeit is): - Absolute winner in Sabaton Competition 1.hely- ELITE- 1st Placed Horse in Sabaton Competition prefections 1.hely - ELITE- 1st Placed Horse in Appearance in June prefections 1. helyezettek: 1st Placed in KolorKllem 1. hely: BEST horse of the Season Opener Gallop on Silverglade PS 3. helyezett:no limit appearance Abszolt gyztes: 1. helyezett:Sunland Park Galopp dja + ELITE minst 1. helyezett:Sunland Park Galopp 1. helyezettek: ELITE Jockey Apparance Champion My jockey is the most beautiful.1 helyezettek:ELITEElrtem azt a k*rva buszt! Rajtam nem fog ki! Elsknt rt a buszra! 1 helyezettek: ELITE The best horse on II. Iron Heart Galopp Winner of the II. Iron Heart Galopp Abszolt Gyztes: ( kkkel)ABSOLUTE The absolute winner of II. Iron Heart Galopp 1. Helyezettek: GOOD - Good Horse in Ironheart kllem 1. Helyezettek: GOOD - Good Horse in Ironheart galopp 1. helyezetteknek: Perfect 1st in chthoroughbreds.gp - Training Derby 1 hely: -ELITE First place in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition(kategria) 1 hely:-ELITE First place in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition(kategria) Vastag pirossal kiemelt: Abszolt: Absolute winner in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition(kategria)Dlt bets kk: Szemlyes kedvenc -Favorite horse in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition(kategria) 1 hely: -ELITE First place in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition II.(kategria) 1 hely:-ELITE First place in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition II.(kategria)Vastag pirossal kiemelt:Abszolt:Absolute winner in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition II.(kategria)Dlt bets kk:Szemlyes kedvenc-Favorite horse in the King's Bishop Stakes Thoroughbreed Competition II.(kategria)
Neve:California Chrome
Alkalmassg:Kllem,Galopp (kzptv)
Eredmnyei: 33 db
1 helyek:
-1 hely l Fairygorunds Open l fairygorunds.gp l
-1 hely l Breeders Cup l churhcildownsraces.gp l
-1 hely l Canterbury Park Galopp l patanevelde.gp l
-1 hely l June Galopp l dwaynes.gp l
-1 hely l Sabaton Competition l prefections.gp l
-1 hely l Sabaton Competition absz. l prefections.gp l
-1 hely l Appearance in June l prefections.gp l
-1 hely l Kolor Kllem l shagyarab.gp l
-1 hely l Season Opener Galopp l silverglade.gp l
-1 hely l No Limit Appearance l patanevelde.gp l
-1 hely l Sunland Park Galopp l patanevelde.gp l
-1 hely l Sunland Park Galopp absz. l patanevelde.gp l
-1 hely l Jockey Appearance l ironheart.gp l
-1 hely l Bus Galopp l ironheart.gp l
-1 hely l II. Ironheart Galopp l ironheart.gp l
-1 hely l II. Ironheart Galopp absz. l ironheart.gp l
-1 hely l Ironheart Appearance galopp l ironheart.gp l
-1 hely l Ironheart Appearance kllem l ironheart.gp l
-1 hely l Training Derby l chthoroughbreds.gp l
-1 hely l Thoroughbred Competition galopp l kingsbishopstakes.gp l
-1 hely l Thoroughbred Competition kllem l kingsbishopstakes.gp l
-1 hely l Thoroughbred Competition kedvenc l kingsbishopstakes.gp l
-1 hely l Thoroughbred Competition absz. l kingsbishopstakes.gp l
-1 hely l Thoroughbred Competition II. galopp l kingsbishopstakes.gp l
-1 hely l Thoroughbred Competition II. kllem l kingsbishopstakes.gp l
-1 hely l Thoroughbred Competition II. kedvenc l kingsbishopstakes.gp l
-1 hely l Thoroughbred Competition II. absz. l kingsbishopstakes.gp l
2 helyek:
-2 hely l Two Hours Galopp l redskyatmorning.gp l
-2 hely l Rockstar Beats l santa-anita.gp l
3 helyek:
-3 hely: l RSM Galopp l redskyatmorning.gp l
-3 hely: l Breeders Cup l churhcilldownsraces.gp l
-3 hely: l No Limit Appearance l patanevelde.gp l
-3 hely: l Villm Kllem Mneknek l lovascentrum.gp l
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